Rexio Home Decor

Rexio Home Decor

Rexio Home Decor

Location :

374 Linda Street, London

Client :

Robert William

Architect :

Harry Johnson

Category :


Duration :

10 Month

Complete :

15 Apr 2024

Our Strategy

Designing a modern, energy-efficient home on a challenging hillside plot with steep terrain, limited access, and strict local building codes. Goals included maximizing natural light, using sustainable materials, and integrating the home with the landscape. Conducted a detailed topographical survey to understand the terrain. Assessed sunlight patterns, wind directions, and views to optimize natural lighting and ventilation. Identified access points and potential construction challenges.


Site Analysis: Topographical survey, sunlight and wind assessment, access points.

Client Requirements: Lifestyle needs, aesthetic preferences, budget constraints.

Local Regulations: Building codes, zoning laws, permit requirements.

Sustainable Practices: Eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient systems.


Design Concept: Multi-level design adapting to the hillside, large windows for natural light and views.

Sustainable Features: Reclaimed wood, solar panels, rainwater harvesting, green roof, vertical gardens.

Structural Integrity: Collaboration with structural engineers, retaining walls, deep foundation systems.

Permitting: Detailed architectural drawings, regulatory compliance, obtained necessary permits.


Construction Completion: On time, within budget, high-quality craftsmanship.

Client Satisfaction: Met and exceeded client’s goals, seamless indoor-outdoor integration.

Sustainable Living: Significant energy savings, reduced environmental footprint.

Recognition: Featured in architectural publications, praised for innovative design.